VLOOKUP function in Ms Excel: This function is very useful in ms excel, it simply look up the first column for a value provided and returns the desired value in the same row. Lets have a look on VLOOKUP formula first:
- value is the actual value which we want to look up in the first column of a table
- table is two or more columns of data that is sorted in ascending order
- index_number is the number of column from which value must be returned
- approximate_match is optional, it can either be 'True' or 'False'. By default it assumed it as 'True'.False is used to find exact match,True is used to get an approximate value.
Now understand this formula with the help of an example. Consider we have following data
Now, to fetch the student 'Name' (exact value in second column) for a student whose 'Roll number' is '1008', following VLOOKUP formula can be used:
VLOOKUP(1008, A2:B9, 2, FALSE)
This formula would fetch the value in second column(Name) in the row where 'Roll No' matches to '1008' . This would give us Ella as a result as shown below
Now lets understand the formula with one more example, to fetch the marks in 'Maths' subject (Third column) for Roll No 1004, following formula would be used:
VLOOKUP(1004, A2:C9, 3, FALSE)
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